Welcome to the Reading Library of Things

A Library of things is just like an ordinary library, but rather than books we have lots of other sorts of items available to borrow. 

Membership is £25 per year, but we have discounted memberships for those that need it. We want to be as accessible as possible. There are no fees for borrowing, but we would charge for late returned items. 

You can see all the tools and things we have currently on the Inventory tab, but if there is a tool or thing you need suggest it and we may be able to get one. If you have a thing that you want to donate please email us below. We will offer free membership for the first year for useful donors.

Do you have some free time and could help to operate the the library, or have expertise where you could be an advisor?

  • Borrow don't Buy
  • Sharing is Caring
  • Having the right tool for the Job
  • Not just the tool but know how to use it.
Supported by the Lottery

There are a lot of tools and devices that we all own but only use rarely. This is a waste of resources, the resources used to create these things, and the waste when these are thrown out, and lastly a waste of space in storage. What if you could donate these, and still have access to them when you need them, and at the same time have access to lots of other things. What a great idea.